A New Educational Tool to Prevent Drug-impaired Driving

Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience
The Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience provides a new and unique demonstration of the impairing effects of recreational marijuana.
• Seven different activities each demonstrating an impairing effect of THC
• Activities model the loss of short-term memory, executive function, altered visual perception, and slight loss of motor coordination
• Developed with a nationally recognized DRE (Drug Recognition Expert)
• Instructional materials and videos included to guide program delivery
Aslo available:
Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Simulation
This hands-on awareness building tool allows people to experience with a sober mind what it’s like to be under the influence of alcohol.
• Designed to help you demonstrate the danger of impaired driving and underage drinking
• Six simulated impairment levels available with a clear or shaded lens to simulate daytime or nighttime conditions
• The evidence-based program support materials provide step-by-step instruction on how to deliver your program