Perfect Ink Fingerprint Pads – Small Round Pad

1.5″ diameter

Categories: , , SKU: PAD-PI-10


Perfect Ink® Fingerprint Pads contain a ceramic pad which is impregnated with a fast-drying, non-smearing, permanent, black semi-inkless ink. The ceramic pad will not deteriorate with use and the nontoxic ink can be easily removed by rubbing the fingers together or wiping with a dry tissue.

Small round pad with hinged cover- (1,200 prints per pad) – 1.5″ diameter

Large round pad with removable cover- (4,800 prints per pad) – 2.5″ diamerter

Small rectangular pad with hinged cover- (500 prints per pad) – 1.74″ x 2.25″

Large rectangular pad with removable cover- (16,000 prints per pad) – 3″ x 4.5″