Fatal Vision Goggles
Fatal Vision Simulated Alcohol Impairment Goggles really are a great product to help convey the effects that alcohol has on our motor skills and to reinforce the “Don’t Drink and Drive” message to youth groups, and adult groups alike. There are many peripheral items and activity kits (Program, Event and Campaign Kits available to enhance the use of Fatal Vision Goggles).
Otherwise, Goggles can be purchased separately in any quantity and in any mix by way of simulated Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), or by simulated day (Clear Goggles) or night (Shaded Goggles) vision. Each Goggle comes with a Fatal Vision printed storage pouch and cleaning cloth.
Goggles are available in day (clear) or night (shaded) vision, with the following simulated levels of impairment (Blood Alcohol Concentration) levels:
- Blue Label: Double Vision
- White Label: BAC <.06 Represents driving the next day after drinking at a party the night before
- Bronze Label: BAC .07 –.10 Represents driving at typical legal level of impairment for most provinces
- Red Label: BAC .12 –.15 Represents the most common level of impaired driving
- Silver Label: BAC .17 –.20 Popular, as this level ensures a high participant failure rate on coordination / balance exercises
- Black Label: BAC .25+ Represents binge drinking typical of older groups and college students