Fatal Vision® Alcohol Goggles – Event Kit

Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Simulation – Event Kit is specifically designed to help you address the concern of impaired driving and underage drinking in your community.


This kit includes five (5) Fatal Vision Alcohol Impairment Goggles and four (4) unique activities to deliver an engaging and memorable lesson on the dangers of drunk driving and underage drinking.



The Campaign Kit includes:

– 5 Fatal Vision® alcohol goggles with clear lenses (white, bronze, red, silver, and black label)

with a cloth protective bag

– 5 Fatal Vision® alcohol goggles with shaded lenses (white, bronze, red, silver, and black label)

with a cloth protective bag

– 1 Box (50/pack) of germicidal disposable wipes

– 1 Roll of “Walk the Line” tape

– 1 TVL® lens combo pack with program binder (36 total overlays – 12 bronze, 12 red, and 12 silver)

– 1 Smash Match® impairment challenge activity

– 1 DIES® winding sidewalk mat activity with carrying strap

– 1 DIES® roadside sobriety and stairs challenge mat activity with carrying strap

– 1 DIES® balcony danger mat activity with carrying strap

– 1 Backpack

– Other activity mats and accessories are available and sold separately