Fatal Vision® Drowsy and Distracted – Program Kit

The drowsy and distracted driving prevention program kit features activities to use in conjunction with the Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Goggles These goggles are configured and controlled through Bluetooth using an app on your mobile phone. You can choose between three different impairment modes:

Mode A – Distracted Dial simulates what could happen if someone takes their eyes off the road “just long enough” to dial a phone. Every three seconds, the goggles blackout.

Mode B – Distracted Text simulates the distraction that occurs when someone reads or responds to a text. The goggles blackout for 4.6 seconds to simulate the researched average amount of time a person’s eyes and attention are on a device rather than on the road.

Mode C – Drowsy simulates momentary micro-sleeps that build in waves until the eyes and brain shut down. The goggles blackout beginning with a short half-second closure and continue to blackout for longer periods, progressing to 10-seconds.

Download the Fatal Vision® Goggle app for free at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Fatal Vision® Drowsy and Distracted – Event Kit

Use the seven (7) engaging activities in this kit with the Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Goggles to build awareness and promote alternatives to these avoidable risky behaviors.

The goggles are configured and controlled through Bluetooth using an app on your mobile phone. From your device, you will choose between three impairment modes:

Mode A – Distracted Dial simulates what could happen if someone takes their eyes off the road “just long enough” to dial a phone. Every three seconds, the goggles blackout.

Mode B – Distracted Text simulates the distraction that occurs when someone reads or responds to a text. The goggles blackout for 4.6 seconds to simulate the researched average amount of time a person’s eyes and attention are on a device rather than on the road.

Mode C – Drowsy simulates momentary micro-sleeps that build in waves until the eyes and brain shut down. The goggles blackout beginning with a short half-second closure and continue to blackout for longer periods, progressing to 10-seconds.

Download the Fatal Vision® Goggle app for free at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Fatal Vision Drowsy & Distracted – Campaign Kit

The Campaign Kit includes 8 different activities to use in conjunction with the Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Driving Goggles. These goggles are configured and controlled through Bluetooth using an app on your mobile phone. From your device, you can choose between three different impairment modes:

Mode A – Distracted Dial simulates what could happen if someone takes their eyes off the road “just long enough” to dial a phone. Every three seconds, the goggles blackout.

Mode B – Distracted Text simulates the distraction that occurs when someone reads or responds to a text. The goggles blackout for 4.6 seconds to simulate the researched average amount of time a person’s eyes and attention are on a device rather than on the road.

Mode C – Drowsy simulates momentary micro-sleeps that build in waves until the eyes and brain shut down. The goggles blackout beginning with a short half-second closure and continue to blackout for longer periods, progressing to 10-seconds.

Download the Fatal Vision® Goggle app for free at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Drowsy and distracted driving contributes to thousands of fatalities and serious injuries on the road every year. Have you ever glanced at your phone while driving and then looked back up to realize there was a car stopped in front of you? Or have you ever gotten behind the wheel of a car after a poor night’s sleep and found yourself nodding off?

Drowsy and distracted driving contributes to thousands of fatalities and serious injuries every year. Driving tired or distracted is driving impaired.

Fatal Vision Drowsy and Distracted Goggles and Activity Kits allow participants to experience simulated impairment from drowsiness or distraction and the potentially devastating consequences.