Innocorp’s Vision is to revolutionize the health, safety, and prevention education industry. Innocorp empowers customers with innovative tools and programs that promote educated decision making through evidence and research-based methods. Innocorp gives customers the leverage they need to captivate, engage, and enlighten people to make informed choices. Informed choices lead to positive actions that save lives, prevent injuries, and promote the health and well-being of themselves and others.

DAVTECH is proud to partner with Innocorp to help convey the effects that alcohol and drugs have on our motor skills and cognitive abilities to reinforce the “Don’t Drive while Impaired” message to youth groups, and adult groups alike.

Fatal Vision Goggles, utilized to simulate various levels of alcohol impairment are widely known. However, Innocorp has expanded the field to now include simulated Marijuana Goggles and Concussion Goggles among a variety of additional product offerings.